you know blogging require alot of, erm, time? ha, & most imptly the urge to do so! ha, probably i felt love all over recently and that explain my yay to blogging(:
yst i went for tuition & you know what again, i fuckn hell waited for bus21 for 40 mins @ bedok resv, i was pissing yet ganjiong cos its like 7 when i finally board the bus and my kuku Math class starting @ 7! so's like wtf, i;m damn late luh.
Actually I was supposed to meet dar, for our dinner but due to his so late released, we couldn't afford so.. he's damn cute luh, he got me this bao, secretly when I was in the toliet. Ha, you know i was like hey thankyou,thankyou!! So much smiles. :):) I couldn't stop giggling man. HA.
I so much wish these feelings won't die off ever again, cos you know the feelns of almost losing your love is so so scary. aw anyway, been mugging
hard, hope I can continue to jiayou@

went over to boyfriend house today hee, and i met this fcuked up bus driver, who asked for 90c when I was wearing my uniform you KNOW fuck! I was like, eh uncle, can't you see i;m in uniform,hw can i prob fake my statues, hes like, eh ha-lo, your mother also can wear uniform claimed she's student, then i;m like fucked again, eh uncle, why would my mother wear uni because of your stupid 55c. *&^$%^)(%# NNB. drag my mom in *&(*&%@#@$
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